Coming into Spring with the weather warming up Native bees in Brisbane are beginning to swarm and are finding themselves in Brisbane City Council water meter boxes.
During Spring and Summer Brisbane Native stingless bees love to set up their hives in water meters. These water meters provide a dark area and a stable temperature which the bees require.
Native bees can cause issues for water meter readers as the established hive blocks access to read the meter.
Hundreds of hives are found each year in Brisbane water meters, the native bee colonies can house up to 5000 bees. The first people become aware of them is often when Queensland Urban utilities notify them of the issue.
Native bees are stingless but can swarm and bite when disturbed. These bees are important for our environment so should not be killed or sprayed. If you come across Native Stingless Bees in your water meter call us a Brisbane Native bees so they can be safely removed and relocated.