Brisbane Native Stingless Bees hive Splitting, Dividing and Duplication Service.
Did you know you can divide, duplicate and split your Stingless native Bees?
Native Stingless Bee Hive splitting and dividing service available now at Brisbane Native Bees! We offer services for maintenance and Stingless native bee duplication.
Your hive of Native Stingless bees, also known as Sugarbag bees are very low maintenance and can be set and leave. Although as you learn more about your Native bees and appreciate the benefits they provide to the environment, you may wish to duplicate and split the hive to form a second hive.
A second hive duplicated and split from the main mother hive can be placed in your garden or you can gift it to a friend.
Did you know your Native Stingless Sugarbag bees produce a precious Honey?
During splitting of your hive you can sample the Honey of the Stingless bee. Native bees don’t produce a vast amount of honey. At Brisbane Native Bees we recommend the bees be left with their honey pots.
The native bees spend a great deal of effort obtaining the resources for their honey so its best left for the bees through drought and colder periods. You are encouraged to watch and learn during splitting of your hive.
We do not recommend harvesting of or tasting of Native Stingless bee Honey.
Native Stingless bee Hive Split and Splitting process.
Your Native Bee hive will be of an OATH (Original Australian Trigona Hive) design, the OATH hive is the most common, with exact dimensions. On occasions your hive may be of different dimensions to the OATH hive, at Brisbane Native bees we can generally accommodate these hives and modify if necessary.
The hive is split at the middle join and separated. A new top is placed on the bottom side of the hive and a new bottom for the top of the hive. These new two hives are now sealed with tape to help the bees repair and to deter pest entry. Hive splitting is very successful, although on occasions there can be risks such as pest entry or failure of one hive to re-queen. Its important to be aware of these risks as one or both hives may not develop and repair. At Brisbane Native bees we have years of experience in this field and the hive split is completed carefully and splitting is very successful although no guarantee of outcome can be given.
We recommend Native Stingless Bees be split from September on when the hive is well establish and a year or two old. Each hive is different and we will discuss the history of your hive with you.
Native stingless bee Hive Splitting and duplication options.
Cost of hive Split is from $375 in Brisbane areas, this includes, travel and the splitting service.
Native Bee hive splinting is not suitable in all circumstances and we will discuss requirements with you.
We also offer a free splitting service where we pay you $100 for the daughter hive from your main mother hive. Some of our customers prefer this as they do not wish for or have room for their duplicated hives and split them simply as a means to spread and build further colonies of Native Stingless bees. It also helps pay back your initial outlay of setting up your Mother hive. These hive are then placed throughout Brisbane to multiply numbers in the environment. There can never bee too many Bees.
Feel free to call us at Brisbane Native bees for any questions on hive duplication, splitting or repairs you require on your hive.